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April 24, 2016



Well if we look at the last century: whenever the USA meddled in European affairs, it turned out badly from a German perspective.

Finding a common ground with Russia might be more effective and free us from US interference via Nato.


When I look back at the last century it turned badly from a German perspective when Germany meddled in European affairs - at least twice.
The exceptions - the Ostpolitik of Brandt and the reuninifcation - both were organized in cooperation with the USA. According to the autobiography of Egon Bahr Kissinger had supported the German policy of détente loyally.
Today military interests will dominate as long as there is no constructive European foreign policy. The Europeans have to put their own house in order instead of blaming the USA.


I don't blame the USA for anything. I simply think Germans are way better off without US influence in Europe.

Even the great conflicts you mentioned would have worked out without US intervention.
Now imagine what would be possible for Berlin if we Germans don't engage with everyone at the same time.


> Even the great conflicts you mentioned would have worked out without US intervention.
That's nonsense. Without US interventions both wars would have been prolonged.


@ Zyme: Interesting.

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