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April 29, 2016



es fehlt völlig ein wichtiger Punkt: das gezielte aktive Schüren antiamerikanischer Resentiments durch KGB und Nachfolgeorganisationen.

R. Wolfram

Mr. Vickrey

"What is surprising is how much more pronounced these anti-Semitic, sexist and racist stereotypes are in the left-wing anti-imperialist camp of anti-Americanism than in that of the cultural conservatives."

It has become a tiresome exercise of people like you to say, anti-Americanism is similarly reprehensible as anti-Semitism and would be a joint project of the left and right.

This is a super simplification and as such pure propaganda.

Without reacting to special arguments of Mr. Felix Knappertsbusch, you may have reasons to suspect that the methodology of Mr. Felix Kempe is more than questionable.

I recommend your readers to keep busy times with the anti-Americanism arguments of Volker Pispers.

A famous phrase of him is:

"Mein Antiamerikanismus ist gar nicht oberflächlich"

("My anti-Americanism is not superficial")

Zur Einführung empfehle ich dieses Video:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-1-k6f27VA (Minute 2:30 - 3:55)

Is this ...

.... "Reproduktion nationalistischer Identitätskonstruktionen mit fremdenfeindlicher, rassistischer und antisemitischer Rhetorik"?

(... the reproduction of nationalist identity constructions with xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric?)

I think not!


I am familiar with Pispers - especially his video US + Israel = Krieg.

Pispers is a Putin loyalist, who, like most on the German left, blames America for all calamities on the planet.

You may want to read Sabastian Christ's open letter to Volker Pispers in the Huffington Post ("Der Kabarettist, der die Deutschen fuer dumm verkauft" :

"Sie (Pispers) sind gefangen in dieser tragischen Endlosschleife, wo die Welt nur aus zwei Machtblöcken besteht und im Zweifelsfall der „Ami“ immer der Böse ist."


R. Wolfram

Your answer is again a super simplification :-)

(Pispers is never a Putin layalist)


"Das pro-russische Propaganda-Kaberett des Volker Pispers"


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