There appears to be a growing number of people in Germany who deny the legitimacy of the Federal Republic of Germany and instead maintain that the German Reich never ceased to exist. Die Zeit explains the thinking behind the Reichsbürgerbewegung or "Reich Citizens Movement':
Die Anhänger dieser Ideologie sind stattdessen überzeugt, dass das Deutsche Reich noch immer existiere, denn die Bundesrepublik sei kein legitimer Rechtsnachfolger; Deutschland habe auch nie vor den Alliierten kapituliert, sondern nur einen Waffenstillstand geschlossen und sei bis heute von den Siegermächten des Zweiten Weltkrieges besetzt; die Bundesrepublik sei daher lediglich eine GmbH, um das Land zu verwalten und seine Bürger auszubeuten. Schlussfolgerung der Anhänger: Sie seien noch immer Bürger des Deutschen Reiches, wahlweise in den Grenzen von 1871 oder 1937.
Needless to say, hatred of the remaining Besatzungsmacht - Occupying Force - namely, the United States - is a core feature of the Reichsbürger. But also a hatred of the EU, of the Chancellor, of the court system and law enforcement agencies of the Federal Republic. There is a great deal of overlap with the Pegida movement, the neo-Nazis in eastern Germany, and the rise of the AfD (Alternative for Germany Party). Peter Staudenmaier, a professor of German in the US, has looked into the Reich Citizens Movement:
"Purveyors of Reich ideology mix these elements with Nordic mythology and invocations of Atlantis, with enthusiasm for alternative currencies, skepticism toward globalization, and a longing for peace and harmony in a world marked by violence and upheaval. It is an unsurprisingly inconsistent worldview. While much of the Reich citizens’ literature is obsessed with the Allies (above all the US) as supposed occupying powers in Germany, their ire is largely reserved for the European Union. Nebulous denunciations of the evils of global capitalism rub elbows with hymns to the inviolability of private property.
Like its counterparts elsewhere, the Reich citizens movement is a classic instance of left-right crossover and a symptom of profound political confusion. Its adherents recycle hoary antisemitic legends and even anti-Masonic conspiracy myths from the era after the First World War. There are numerous esoteric connections. Waldorf schooling as well as biodynamic farming remain especially attractive within this segment of the far-right milieu."
For the time being, there is no unified Reich Citizens Movement. Rather there are fragmented groups of varying sizes and no real agreement on where the Reich is based or who the true successor to the Kaiser is.
It would be easy to dismiss the movement as a bunch of crackpots with too much time on their hands, but they are beginning to represent a real threat in different parts of Germany. The leaders of the various factions spend their days harassing tax authorities, judges and other court officials, and politicians with their crazy demands. At the same time, they refuse to pay taxes or comply with any local ordinances, which they view as de facto illegitimate. The situation in Wittenberg, as just one example, has become intolerable.
Die Stadtverwaltung Wittenburg hat neue Sicherheitsrichtlinien erlassen und die Mitarbeiter zum Thema Sicherheit geschult. Der Grund sind wiederholte Übergriffe aus dem Umfeld der so genannten Reichsbürger-Bewegung. Immer wieder seien Mitarbeiter der Stadtverwaltung massiv verbal angegriffen und beleidigt worden
And the problem isn't limited to verbal assaults or constant phone calls or mountains of faxes. Many of these Reichsbürger are stockpiling weapons, and there is real fear of acts of terrorism:
Natürlich ist längst nicht jeder Reichsbürger ein potenzieller Terrorist. Aber die Gefahr wächst, dass aus der Szene radikale Einzeltäter hervorgehen wie jene des Nationalsozialistischen Untergrundes. Denn die Zahl der Reichsbürger steigt.
I was at the AfD speech in the Hofbräukeller in Munich last week. Among the audience there was a woman clearly belonging to the Reichsbürger-movement, asking Frauke Petry after her speech what she intends to do about the lack of legitimacy the current republic has in the eyes of said woman.
Petry didn't question her senses but wasn't inclined to jump on that bandwagon either. Consequently I would say the AfD is rather neutral to the Reichsbürger-movement and cannot be counted among its supporters (contrary to your suggestion above).
Posted by: Zyme | May 16, 2016 at 09:45 AM
This Scheisse is DOPE!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: James | May 16, 2016 at 09:16 PM