This is hilarious. The other day Albrecht Müller - publisher of the NachDenkSeiten - emerged from his mental fog to write an article claiming that Chancellor Angela Merkels is controlled by the Dark Forces in Washington (CIA) - a common theme with Albrecht Müller, since in his fading mental state EVERYTHING is controlled by Washington, with the exception of the Forces of Good in Moscow.
The article received a lot of much-deserved ridicule on the Facebook page of NachDenkSeiten. So today Albrecht Müller lashes out at the "trolls" who disagree with him and presents his readers with "evidence" of Washington/CIA/ control of German politics.
One "smoking gun" piece of evidence is a February 2003 op/ed piece by Angela Merkel in the Washington Post, where she expressed solidarity with NATO and the United States and criticized Gerhard Schroeder for not backing the US-led invasion of Iraq. This was written before she became chancellor and Merkel was just one of many international leaders whose concerns about post-Sept. 11 global security influenced their support of the Bush Administration. This doesn't mean that she - or the leaders of many other countries - were "controlled" by Washington. It should be mentioned that as chancellor Angela Merkal was often a vocal critic of the Bush/Cheney War on Terror.
Another "damning" piece of evidence cited by Albrecht Müller is a an old documentary that was uploaded on YouTube about how during the Cold War the CIA funded and organized cultural activities - ranging from jazz bands to writers' conferences (including Jean-Paul Sartre!) - to promote liberal western values and counteract propaganda coming from the DDR and from the Kremlin. The documentary is actually quite interesting and includes interviews with old former CIA operatives. It was uploaded in 2015 by "Albert Zweistein" and re-titled "Germany Made in the USA / Die Amerkanisierung der Deutschen." Judging by the comments it has become a favorite of the anti-Semitic crowd in Germany (typical comment: " Die "amerikaner " sind das nicht. Von wem wird den America und England gesteuert? Und somit auch deutschland und der rest der westlichen welt? Von wem ? VOM JUDEN !"} It turns out that "Albert Zweistein" is himself an anti-Semitic troll, since he has also uploaded videos about the Rothschilds conspiracy.On his YouTube page he links to every Kremlin propaganda site (RT Deutsch, Sputnik, etc) as well as neo-Nazi / neo-fascist sites (Junge Freiheit, Kopp Verlag, Compact, etc).
THIS is Albrecht Müller's source of information about how the Jews CIA/Washington controls everything - including Angela Merkel.
Albrecht Müller omits that during the Cold War both sides tried to subvert the other by secretly channeled money - but the Eastern side spent much more.
"Nach den Erkenntnissen der Unabhängigen Kommission zur Überprüfung des Vermögens der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR erhielt die DKP im Zeitraum 1981 bis 1989 Zahlungen von der DDR (Bereich Kommerzielle Koordinierung) in Höhe von insgesamt 526.309.000 DM (etwa 270 Millionen Euro). Diese Beträge wurden in den Rechenschaftsberichten an den Deutschen Bundestag nicht ausgewiesen.[81]"
"The CIA transferred around $2 million yearly in cash to Solidarity, which suggests that $10 million total is a reasonable estimate for the 5-year total. There were no direct links between the CIA and Solidarnosc, and all money was channeled through third parties.[75]"
Posted by: sol1 | June 30, 2016 at 02:19 PM