Shortly before Britons went to polls to vote on whether or not to leave the EU, the German right-wing conspiracy magazine COMPACT published a piece in both English and German: Dear Brits: Why you must leave the EU / Liebe Briten: Warun Ihr die EU verlassen müsst. Among the reasons: The EU was simply another construct of the American imperialists.
The United States have been leading proponents for a United Europe. As the only true victor of World War II, it had already linked Marshall-plan reconstruction funds to integration efforts on Europe’s part. To this day, public opinion has been manipulated to accept the lie that this was to prevent another great war on the continent. The true motif of Americas New World Order pioneers, however, was to disintegrate the sovereignty of European nations. You can read it on the wall at the EU-Welcome Center in Brussels. The US has been developing one global rule set to control and to dominate. This is all the open society drivel has always meant. As Obama argued in London, the US more than ever needs an Atlanticist EU. When Sadiq Khan in dead earnest proclaimed choosing to remain was “the patriotic choice”, he revealed what side he’s on. You have to vote “leave”.One has to ask why any country would need a neo-feudal American project mixed with a globalist open-border-agenda to rid the continent off its cultures and traditions via mass immigration, mostly by Muslims.
I always appreciate references to the New World Order (NWO), since that appeals to all flavors of conspiracy theories - from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, to the Illuminati, to "Die Bilderberg-Konferenzen".
What's discouraging is that COMPACT Magazin is one of the few print publications in Germany that is actually growing its subscriber base, while all others are rapidly losing paid subscriptions. The respected Hamburg weekly Die Zeit recently published an investigative article on COMPACT and found that in five years the publication went from zero to 80,000 readers, half of which are paid subscribers. That means that 40,000 Germans are actually paying to read this conspiracy garbage. Furthermore, COMPACT's YouTube channel has gotten over 9 million hits, its Facebook page has more followers than virtually any other in Germany, and people flock to its Internet Shop to purchase Ami Go Home T-shirts.
The Zeit journalists point out that COMPACT has been successful in growing its subscriber base by appealing to "disaffected" people - the same people who might vote for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, or for Donald Trump, or who support Brexit:
Das Compact-Magazin als rechtspopulistisch zu bezeichnen, geht aber am Kern vorbei. Compact bleibt stets anschlussfähig zu vielen Seiten. Der "Compact-Philosoph" Peter Feist rief dieses Jahr von der Buchmesse-Bühne in Leipzig gar den Satz: "Wir sind linke Patrioten!" Die Zeitschrift will alle Menschen ansprechen, die ein Unbehagen mit den Zuständen umtreibt: alte linke Friedensaktivisten, Esoteriker, fundamentale Christen, Rechte, Euro-Skeptiker, konservative Russlanddeutsche, Verschwörungstheoretiker, Islamhasser und ganz allgemein Unzufriedene, die gegen "die da oben" schimpfen. Sie alle verbindet eine Ablehnung gegen Amerika, gegen TTIP, gegen die Nato, gegen Großkonzerne und die Eliten in Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien.
Since COMPACT is virulently anti-West, anti-American, anti-NATO, and anti-Semitic, I had assumed the magazine and its editors received direct funding from the Kremlin, but the investigations by Die Zeit failed to uncover and financial ties between COMPACT and Russia:
Doch trotz mehrmonatiger Recherchen fanden sich unter Compact-Mitarbeitern, Mitgründern, Geschäftspartnern, Konkurrenten, Autoren, Weggefährten des Chefredakteurs, bei deutschen Geheimdiensten, bei russischen Priestern und Thinktanks sowie bei Propagandavereinen des Kremls keine Hinweise auf russisches Geld bei Compact.
I guess the Kremlin figures why pay when there enough fools around to spread conspiracy theories at no cost?
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Yikes. That is very bad.
Posted by: Hattie | June 29, 2016 at 04:33 AM