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June 22, 2016



"...ein rot-rot-grünes Bündnis..."

But this wouldn't work with the Greens:

"...die heute bekannt gewordene Kritik von Außenminister Steinmeier an die Adresse der NATO ist ein unverantwortliches Signal angesichts der konsequenten Weigerung des Kreml, Waffen und Soldaten aus dem Donbas zurückzuziehen."



Good. Let's hope the Greens stand up against this SPD appeasement initiative.


Well maybe we can work something out with the Russians. I am all for deterrance as to not appear like a tasty snack.

But there can be a common ground nonetheless. Eastern Europe has not always had such a high number of countries in the past after all :-D


Steinmeier has a reset button, too. :D

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