The world was horrified by the image of 5-year-old Omran Daqneesh whose family was the destroyed by bombing in Aleppo. The 24/7 bombing by Assad/Russian warplanes has resulted in the deaths of thousands of citizens - including hundreds of children.
For Wolgang Bittner - a card-carrying member of Putin's Fifth Column in Germany - the annihilation of Aleppo is further evidence of America's treachery. Bittner is a frequent contributor to Kremlin-backed media outlets such as RT Deutsch, Sputnik and the magazine Hintergrund. Bittner is a self-proclaimed "expert" on the United States and published a book about how the US has taken over Europe ("Die Eroberung Europa durch die USA").
Here the Truther site NachDenkSeiten has published a poem by Bittner using the image of Omran Dagneesh to slam America and the West. "Bomben-Stimmung" is a cynical play on the German word "Bombenstimmung" - loosely translated as "fantastic atmosphere". In the second stanza he writes that "humanitarian missions" and "democracy" are just a pretense for capitalist exploitation.
Below is a photo of a Russian SU-34 fighter bomber delivering "humanitarian aid" to the Syrian city of Aleppo.
///...the Truther site NachDenkSeiten...///
Albrecht Müller claims that an evil conspiracy manipulates the order of comments on the NDS Facebook page:
It's really sad, what happened to this once reputable site.
Posted by: sol1 | August 25, 2016 at 04:51 AM
Soros - Zuckerberg conspiracy?
Posted by: David | August 25, 2016 at 05:07 AM
Can anyone explain the Putin apologists?
Posted by: Hattie | August 28, 2016 at 01:10 AM