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September 12, 2016



Interesting observation that the American right and the German left are united in demonizing Hillary Clinton. It is also worth mentioning that both are united in their admiration for Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin is actively trying to influence the US election while it continues its desinformation initiatives in Germany (with support of media outlets like Junge Freiheit, Compact and NachDenkSeiten).


The Russian "desinformation initiatives" in Germany?
They are the size of a mouse in comparison to the elephant in the room - our beloved internal mass media.



Yes, I somehow managed to leave out the bit about how Trump's affinity for Putin is one of the main reasons why so many on the left here like him. But I haven't really talked with anybody in the US who actually admires Putin.

What I've encountered appears to have more to do with Republican tribalism, Clinton hate and uncritical acceptance of what their "cult leaders" tell them "trumping" any misgivings they might have about Trump. These aren't people on the fringe, and although they come from a red state, they're not stereotypical "rednecks". They're normal, respectable citizens, people who are very much part of the mainstream in the rural Midwest. They're the people I grew up with. That's what scares me so much.


"Interesting observation that the American right and the German left are united in demonizing Hillary Clinton."

The impact on the general population is limited to the far right and to East Germany:

"Voting for Trump instead of Clinton": General population 5 %, East Germans 11 %, AfD voters 25 %

"More trust in Russia than in the USA": General population 11 %, East Germans 33 %, AfD voters 46 %


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