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October 03, 2016



It is simply a good indicator concerning the quality of her government :-)

I bet she will have more fun in emigration after the end of her reign. Just like every African dictator who found it right okay to abuse the funds of his people.


These idiots shouting "Merkel muss wech!" are only increasing the likelihood that she will be re-elected. This is the "Volk" you want to preserve? Pathetic.


Fortunately they seem too stupid to organize as a real Nazi force. Too much Aryan inbreeding?


@Zyme: The word is "exile", the way Idi Amin "immigrated" to Saudi Arabia and Ferdinand Marcos "immigrated" to Hawaii.


Nobody would have considered it possible only 3 years ago. However if she continues along this road, even the "grand" coalition may lose its majority. Well done.

Month after month with her clinging to office, even the pathetic argument ("don't elect AfD as it will only allow her to go on!") is vaporizing.

Just look at Austria to gain an impression what happens when the traditional political class is perceived as rotten to the core.

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