The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has an excellent article on the Kopp Verlag - the anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi media company that is an important source of conspiracy theories and Fake News in Germany through its numerous books and Web site. A favorite target of the publisher and its cadre of writers is George Soros - who acts as a proxy for the Weltjudentum ("world Jewry). The article mentions the anti-Semitic writer Peter Orzechowski, who often writes about Soros:
Peter Orzechowski (referiert) über einen Lieblingsfeind der antisemitischen Rechten, den Finanzinvestor George Soros. .. Die Nato und die EU seien „bösartige Organisationen“, die von den Vereinigten Staaten eingerichtet worden seien. Es sei kein Zufall, dass seit dem unkontrollierten Flüchtlingszustrom kein Versuch zur Friedensstiftung mit dem „demokratischen Staatschef Assad“ gemacht worden sei, die Amerikaner wollten die Weltherrschaft und die Scheichs in Saudi-Arabien die Islamisierung Europas. Orzechowski spricht dann über die „Agenda des Volksaustausches“, die hinter der Flüchtlingskrise stehe. Verantwortlich sei ein Mann wie George Soros mit seinen Stiftungen. „Wir müssen nichts phantasieren, wir müssen nur schauen, was diese Herrschaften wollen.“ Orzechowski erwähnt mit keiner Silbe, dass Soros aus einer jüdischen Familie aus Ungarn stammt, aber in seinem Referat ist Soros Inbegriff des bösen, kapitalistischen Juden, der im Hintergrund die Fäden zieht und angeblich Interesse daran hat, Europa durch die Aufnahme von Migranten zu schwächen und politisch zum Einsturz zu bringen. „Unsere Politiker sind gekauft, wir glauben immer noch, dass die für uns kämpfen, das können Sie vergessen“, sagt Orzechowski. Weil Soros an einer Firma beteiligt sein soll, die Wahlautomaten produziert, unterstellt ihm der Redner letztlich sogar, für Wahlfälschungen mitverantwortlich zu sein. Der Staat werde von Großunternehmen und Geheimdiensten gesteuert.
("Peter Orzechowski lectures on the bogeyman of the anti-Semitic Right, the financier George Soros. NATO and the EU are "evil orgnizations" that were created by the US. It is no coincidence that since refugees began streaming into Europe there has been no attempt to reach a peace settlement with the "democratic head of state Assad": the US wants global dominance while the Saudi sheiks seek the Islamization of Europe. Orzechowski then speaks about the "Volks-Replacement" that is behind the refugee crisis. The man responsible for this is George Soros and his foundations. "We don't need to fantasize, we simply just have to watch what these overlords want." Orzechowski doesn't mentin that Soros comes from a Jewish family in Hungary, but in his report Soros is the epitome of the evil, capitalist Jew, who secretly pulls the strings and whose mission is to weaken Europe - bringing it to collapse - by taking in the flood of immigrants. "Our politicians are all bought, but we still think they are fighting on our behalf - you can forget that," says Orzechowski. Since Soros has a financial stake in a company that manufactures voting machines, the speaker implies that he is behind massive voter fraud. The state is controlled by big corporations and the secret service (CIA).")
It is hardly surprising that Soros is a convenient target of the anti-Semitic Right in Germany. But what about the Left? It turns out that Soros is equally hated by left-wing groups in Germany, mainly because he is seen as a obstacle to Putin and Russian expansionism. The left-wing Web site NachDenkSeiten blames Soros for everything from the refugee crisis, to the "fascist Putsch" in Kiev that expelled Putin's vassal Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych to Hilary Clinton's candidacy in the US. Likewise the Fake News impresario Ken Jebsen - who once called the Holocaust a "publicity stunt" - blames Soros for most of the ills in Germany and the EU. The anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist Paul Schreyer sees Soros acting in consort with the CIA to block Putin; the "Open Society" promoted by Soros is nothing more that a giant conspiracy to achieve global dominance by the Jews "Elite". Schreyer has written extensively about the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attacks and promotes the theory that the planes were guided by "remote control" - rather than by the terrorists. Who was at the controls? Schreyer doesn't say, but presumably it was Soros himself - or Mossad acting under Soros' commands. Schreyer is a frequent contributor at the Fake News site NachDenkSeiten.
Such type of things always happen with the people. There is no limit how media act with fake news and how they make it viral in news channel and internet. As my point of view we should take some serious action on such type of news. Because it may harm for other people who are suffering from it. By the way great saying about Kopp Verlag and how they facing such serious issue by media.
Posted by: Gloria Walton | June 04, 2017 at 11:00 AM