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February 26, 2017



My daily news routine goes like this:

Spiegel -> Zeit -> Sueddeutsche -> Welt.

After that I am either amused or frustrated (but not as much as when confronted with ARD/ZDF news, which I have ceased to watch and in my opinion should be displayed further on the left side) and when I am then still in the mood for serious content, I got to Tichy's Einblick.
I was not aware Tichy's Einblick is this well-known already to appear on such a map.

Generally I would be fine with the German media world all in all. However what really needs to go away is the public TV outlets (news or "political broadcasts") financed by everyone on a compulsory basis.
I guess I am not the only one who is sick of being fed established parties' propaganda and even having to pay for it.

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