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October 01, 2017



They are so crazy. How do they expect to keep German language and "Kultur" alive without the influx of fresh voices from other cultures? I happen to care a lot about the German tradition in spite of having no German ancestry at all. Of course it's specious. They don't really care about the things that make German culture so valuable. They are petty, racist narrow minded and vicious people, not in the fine tradition for sure.


There is no reason to be unhappy David.

The way you prefer was in charge for quite a few decades. Everything ends at one point and this is merely the beginning of a different approach.

It was about time. Keeping in mind this was a result of merry economic times, I would expect quite a potential when we no longer (as in the minds of prominent SPD figures) have "the taxes we have" to share for the well-being of the planet.

You could argue other countries seeing a surging right did know how to pursue their interests before already.
However in Germany's case, when was the last time we had such government? 50 years ago?


"share for the well-being of the planet."

Who will buy Germany's beautiful exports if the rest of the planet goes to hell?


Who will buy Germany's no longer beautiful exports if the country goes the route of South Africa?

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