I rarely check in anymore with the pro-Kremlin blog NachDenkSeiten. If I want to read Russian propaganda I can go directly to primary sources such a RT Deutsch or, now that my Russian is improving, Pravda. Reading the latest posts I came across a reader's letter quoted approvingly by NachDenkSeiten editor Albrecht ("Der Tod kommt aus Amerika") Müller. In his letter, the reader explains that America is responsible for a)rise of the Nazis, b) World War II, and c) the Holocaust:
"Ist es unerheblich zu wissen, dass die USA den Konflikt mit Russland, bzw. der damaligen Sowjetunion von Anfang an schürten? Dass entscheidende Geldgeber für die NSDAP aus dem amerikanischen Ausland kamen? Dass die USA das 3. Reich mit kriegswichtigen Gütern versorgte, ohne die die deutschen Panzer Stalingrad nie erreicht hätten – ihnen wäre einfach unterwegs der Sprit ausgegangen. Das US-Unternehmen maßgeblich zur Judenvernichtung beitrugen, weil sie unentbehrliche Teile Logistik stellten. Ist das, oder ist das nicht wichtig, für den Umgang mit den USA?"
For Müller and his team of "journalists", all the evil in the world emanates from the United States - the 9/11 attacks, climate change, the shooting down of MH17 over the Ukraine, etc. The conspiracy theories that Americans financed Hitler, supplied oil to the Wehrmacht and sold technology that was "instrumental" (maΒgeblich) to the Holocaust are widely held by both left- and right-wing pundits (Querfront) in Germany. The conspiracy theorist/radio host (and friend of Albrecht Müller) Ken Jebsen famously promoted these as well as the "theory" that the Holocaust was a PR stunt initiated by Madison Avenue:
sie brauchen mir keine holocaus informatinen zukommen lassen. ich habe mehr als sie. ich weis wer den holocaust als PR erfunden hat. der neffe freuds. bernays. in seinem buch propaganda schrieb er wie man solche kampagnen durchführt. goebbels hat das gelesen und umgesetzt. ich weis wer die rassendatten im NS reich möglich gemacht hat. IBM mit hollerithmachinen. ich weis wer wärend des gesamten krieges deutschland mit bombersprit versorgt hat.standartoil also rockefeller.
("You needn't send me any information about the Holocaust. I have more than you. I know who invented the Holocaust as PR: Freud's nephew Bernays. In his book "Propaganda" he wrote about how one carries out such a campaign. Goebbels read it and practiced it. I also know who made the race data possible in the Third Reich: IBM with its "Hollerith Machines" (mechanical tabulators). I know who supplied Germany throughout the war with bomber fuel: Standard Oil -that is, Rockefeller.")
It is a fact that IBM held a majority stake in the German company Dehomag, which held the license for the Hollerith punch-card technology and sold this to the Nazis. (IBM lost control of its subsidiary after Germany declared war on America in 1941). But IBM was just one of hundreds of American, British, Swedish, Swiss etc. companies that did business with the Reich - some up to the end of the war. "Instrumental" to the Holocaust, however, were the Nazis who crafted the "final solution", the hundreds of thousands of Germans who carried out the mass killings, and tens of millions of Germans who supported the Führer and stood by as their Jewish neighbors were deported to the death camps. IBM and the other businesses that sold to the Nazis deserve criticism and should come clean about their past, but can hardly be considered "instrumental" to the Holocaust. But to admit that would be anathema to Nachdenkseiten and the other conspiracy theorists whose mission is to demonize America and glorify Russia.
For a comprehensive debunking of these conspiracy theories I recommend Kai Ruhsert's comprehensive essay (with footnotes).
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