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November 29, 2019


Rachel McGovern

Thanks so much for posting this information about Lisel Mueller. I live far off on an island in the Pacific Northwest. I am retired and these days read a few blogs on subjects of interest to me once important long ago. I worked for the Germans (despite my horrendous German) for the Munich 1972 Olympics so when I came across your blog a couple of years ago, I made a point to check back since I enjoy your writing. Lisel Mueller was a favorite poet of mine and I hadn't thought of her in years. How terrific that she receives this honor though perhaps it will be only her family that can rejoice. Thank you again. That's an especially telling poem of hers you chose.


Hi Rachel - thanks for your kind words.

It is wonderful that Lisel Mueller is gaining (belatedly) recognition in Germany.

As far as the poem goes, only a poet who acquired English as a second language could have written it.

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