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November 03, 2019



Fake news were an important factor, too:

"Es sind die Leute, die innerlich so durcheinander gebracht sind, daß sie kritiklos auf jede Hetze reagieren und jeden Schwindel glauben, der ihnen von skrupellosen Spektakelmachern vorgesetzt wird. Das Märchen vom Sklavenexport, den Deutschland im Young-Plan zugestanden haben soll, gab eine Probe davon, was alles man diesen Leuten bieten kann, ohne ausgelacht zu werden."


Btw, David, did you watch "The Man in the High Castle" (based on Philip K. Dick's novel)? It is Amazon's most successful production about a parallel world where Germany and Japan have won WW2 and there is a portal between that world and ours. The longer you follow it, the more you develop sympathy and understanding for the controversial characters - until the exponents ask themselves how they could sink so low. Also starring: J. Edgar Hoover as Head of the Gestapo.

First I thought to give you a link to Amazon's trailer of this great series, but the follwing is much, much better:

The cast of The Man In The High Castle on how they resist immunity to Nazi
Watch it!


koogleschreiber - thanks for the tip. I did watch a few episodes of season one, but should check it out again.


i am not sure but think the a f d is trying to get to the truth witch is hidden to the public. going by Gerard Menuhin Alan Sabrosky we are not told the truth

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