Want to spend your evenings drinking beer with your neighbors and chatting about chemtrails, George Soros, and how the 5G network is spreading the corona virus? Far right German personalities Andreas Popp and Eva Herman have found the ideal location - far from hoards of Muslims streaming into Bavaria - namely, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Der Spiegel has the story, which was picked up by other news networks:
Eine Kolonie an Rechtsradikalen und Verschwörungsideologen aus Deutschland – in der kanadischen Provinz Nova Scotia könnte ein solches Szenario wahr geworden sein. Wie der “Spiegel” in seiner aktuellen Ausgabe berichtet, haben sich Hunderte Deutsche auf der Insel Cape Breton angesiedelt, die zu Nova Scotia gehört. Cape Breton ist viermal so groß wie das Saarland, zählt aber nur etwa 130.000 Einwohner.'
Herman and Popp use an aggressive e-mail campaign to lure conspiracy-minded Germans to a "seminar" on Cape Breton where they are presented with ample information that Europe is going to hell thanks to immigration from the Middle-East, Africa, and Asia, and Canada is a secure sanctuary for true Germans. Evidently the seminars are pretty lucrative for the "Bio-Deutsch" couple:
Etwa viermal im Jahr würde zu einwöchigen Seminaren eingeladen, die Kosten pro Person inklusive Flug und Hotel beriefen sich auf knapp 3000 Euro. Popp nenne die Teilnehmer "Klardenker" und würde ihnen eine "Erarbeitung der Weltlage" in Vorträgen unabhängig von den, wie er sagt, "tendenziösen Mainstream-Medien" anbieten.
They are joined in the scheme by the Holocaust-denier Frank Eckhardt, who arranges for the real estate transactions at prices way above market. According to the report, already "hundreds of Germans" with pro-Nazi mindsets (Hunderte Deutsche mit "braunem Gedankengut") have already bought land in the Aryan enclave.
Unfortunately, the dream of a new Vaterland has turned into a nightmare for some of the true believers:
A family from Austria has been ordered out of Canada, and must leave this week, after running afoul of immigration rules.They hope to be back, but it'll be at least a year before they can return to Cape Breton, where they've sunk their life savings into a home and farm..Reinhard and Romana Fugger have invested nearly $500,000 after buying and improving a rural property in Grand River, Richmond County, in 2015. They say a local man, Frank Eckhardt and his company F.E. Property Sales, facilitated the property purchase and promised easy immigration to Canada. The Fuggers say that help with the immigration process never came."We find this property and we think we can do this in an easy way, because we have the information before that it is not hard, maybe easy, to immigrate here," said Reinhard Fugger. Eckhardt's company website, hosted in Germany and aimed at Europeans, advertises property sales and "new settler consultation." The Fuggers say they found out after they got here that they paid more than the property was worth.They paid $160,000 for 4.5 hectares of land with a small summer cottage to a lawyer recommended by Eckhardt who handled the real estate transaction. The property value was assessed at $82,000 at the time.
Now the coronavirus pandemic has put the brakes on the seminar and land-sale business for the time being. Sabotaged by yet another conspiracy?
It's morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money.
- Doyle 'Texas Dolly' Brunson, Poker Legend
Posted by: Koogleschreiber | July 23, 2020 at 11:58 PM
Remember 2010? https://www.capebretonpost.com/business/former-premier-promoting-island-to-german-investors-18026/ Now the buyers are arriving, so do not complain.
Posted by: John LeBlanc | July 24, 2020 at 01:32 PM
"Now the buyers are arriving" - yes, and paying top dollar - or is it "Reichsmarks"?
Posted by: David | July 24, 2020 at 02:22 PM
Such kind-hearted dear people are very rare on earth. Eva and Andreas have grown so dear to my heart and I will support them with all my possibilities on a spiritual level and pray for them. Hopefully there will soon be a just punishment for spreading these horrible lies about two such valuable people.
What is written here is only to diffuse and silence two people who are full of warmth of heart and love people no matter what nationality they belong to. I am so sad that these precious people are dragged in the mud and I hope for justice.
Posted by: Annette | July 25, 2020 at 05:00 PM
Eva Herman praised the role of mothers during the Nazis: ""Werte wie Familie, Kinder und das Mutterdasein, die auch im Dritten Reich gefördert wurden, anschließend durch die 68er abgeschafft wurden". The Nazis murdered millions of mothers along with their infants and young children. That's why she deserves to be called "Eva Braun",
Posted by: David | July 25, 2020 at 08:35 PM