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July 23, 2020



It's morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money.
- Doyle 'Texas Dolly' Brunson, Poker Legend

John LeBlanc

Remember 2010? https://www.capebretonpost.com/business/former-premier-promoting-island-to-german-investors-18026/ Now the buyers are arriving, so do not complain.


"Now the buyers are arriving" - yes, and paying top dollar - or is it "Reichsmarks"?


Such kind-hearted dear people are very rare on earth. Eva and Andreas have grown so dear to my heart and I will support them with all my possibilities on a spiritual level and pray for them. Hopefully there will soon be a just punishment for spreading these horrible lies about two such valuable people.
What is written here is only to diffuse and silence two people who are full of warmth of heart and love people no matter what nationality they belong to. I am so sad that these precious people are dragged in the mud and I hope for justice.


Eva Herman praised the role of mothers during the Nazis: ""Werte wie Familie, Kinder und das Mutterdasein, die auch im Dritten Reich gefördert wurden, anschließend durch die 68er abgeschafft wurden". The Nazis murdered millions of mothers along with their infants and young children. That's why she deserves to be called "Eva Braun",

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