During this poetry month we have all been shaken by the images of millions of Ukrainians - mostly women and children - fleeing for their lives, as well as hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens forced into exile to escape the growing totalitarianism of Putin's regime. So much important German poetry and prose was written in exile. Heinrich Heine was the first great exile poet, fleeing the anti-Semitism and provincialism of his homeland to Paris, where he spent the last 25 years of his life. Like Heine, Mascha Kaléko was a poet who was Jewish. By 1938 in Berlin, where her career had begun to take off, she realized that her time in Germany was over. She fled with her family just weeks before Kristallnacht, eventually ending up in New York City. For 17 years she lived in a 3rd floor walk-up in Greenwich Village. Had she stayed in Berlin Mascha Kaléko no doubt would have suffered the same fate as Gertrud Kolmar, forced to work as a slave laborer, then murdered in Auschwitz.
You can read more about her work and life here. I also recommend the 2012 biography by Jutta Rosenkranz.
In her poem Im Exil, Mascha Kaléko pays tribute to the "refugee" (Flüchtling ) Heinrich Heine. With her biting sarcasm she rhymes a line of Goethe's Heidenröslein - one of the most famous poems in German literature - with "Kraftdurchfreude" (Kraft durch Freude - "Strength Through Joy " - the name of the Nazi mass leisure organization). The nightingale - symbol of German Romanticism - has been replaced by the Nazi vulture. Like Heine, the poet misses her homeland, her beloved Berlin, but recognizes that the land and city she knew will never be as it was:" (Das wird nie wieder, wie es war).
Im Exil - von Mascha Kaléko
"Ich hatte einst ein schoenes Vaterland" –
So sang schon der Flüchtling Heine.
Das seine stand am Rheine,
Das meine auf maerkischem Sand.
Wir alle hatten einst ein (siehe oben!).
Das frass die Pest, das ist im Sturz zerstoben.
O Roeslein auf der Heide,
Dich brach die Kraftdurchfreude.
Die Nachtigallen wurden stumm,
Sahn sich nach sicherm Wohnsitz um,
Und nur die Geier schreien
Hoch ueber Graeberreihen.
Das wird nie wieder, wie es war,
Wenn es auch anders wird.
Auch, wenn das liebe Gloecklein tönt,
Auch wenn kein Schwert mehr klirrt.
Mir ist zuweilen so, asl ob
Das Herz in mir zerbrach.
Ich habe manchmal Heimweh.
Ich weiss nur nicht, wonach.
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