What could possibly unite the real estate magnate Donald Trumg with the left-wing firebrand Oskar Lafontaine? Spiegel columnist Jan Ffeischhauer explains:
In den Zeitungen steht, was für eine Gefahr für den Weltfrieden ein Wahlsieg des amerikanischen Milliardärs bedeuten würde. Man kann dort jeden Tag lesen, wie engstirnig, rückschrittlich und bigott seine Vorstellungen seien. Ich verstehe die Kritik nicht ganz. Ich habe beim Lesen nämlich eine Entdeckung gemacht: Vieles, was Trump fordert, findet sich so oder so ähnlich auch bei der Linkspartei und ihren publizistischen Bannerträgern.
("I'm constantly reading in the newspapers how the American billionaire would be a major threat to world peace if he wins the election. You can read everyday how short-sighted, backwards and bigoted his ideas are. I don't entirely agree with this criticism. In reading about his programs I've actually made the following discovery: much of want Trump wants can also be found with Left Party in Germany and with their journalist supporters.")
Interesting conclusion. Let's look at some specific issues:
- NATO: Both Donald Trump and Oskar Lafontaine would like to consign the alliance to the scrap heap.
- PUTIN: Both Donald Trump and Oskar Lafontaine admire the autocratic kleptocrat Vladimir Putin - Trump because Putin reminds him of Mussolini; Lafontaine since Putin reminds him of his hero Joseph Stalin.
- FREE TRADE: Both Donald Trump and Oskar Lafontaine want to abolish all trade treaties - especially TIPP - and impose tariffs on imports.
- IMMIGRANTS: Both Donald Trump and Oskar Lafontaine want to stop immigration - Trump sees immigrants as terrorists and criminals, Lafontaine hates Fremdarbeiter.
- WALLS: Both Donald Trump and Oskar Lafontaine want to build walls - Trump would wall off the border with Mexico; Lafontaine dreams of a new Schutzmauer.
- FREE PRESS: Both Donald Trump and Oskar Lafontaine hate the press - Trump has promised to punish those newspapers that published negative articles about him once he becomes president; Lafontaine would abolish the Lügenpresse and replace it with RT Deutsch and Sputnik.
- ANGELA MERKEL: Both Donald Trump and Oskar Lafontaine have only contempt for the chancellor, primarily because of her stance on refugees.
- DEMOCRACY: Both Donald Trump and Oskar Lafontaine hate liberal democracy and would replace it with a benevolent dictatorship.
There is much that unites these two. Maybe Donald will invite Oskar and Sahra to the Inaugural Ball?
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