Conspiracy theorists spread a lot of misery in the world. But can you imagine growing up as the child of a conspiracy nut? The daughter of the conspiracy theorist behind the 9/11 Truther site - Alles Schall und Rauch (loosely translated as "It's all smoke and mirrors") writes about her father and how his craziness affected her childhood:
Mein Vater betreibt seit zehn Jahren einen der größten Verschwörungstheorie-Blogs im deutschsprachigen Raum. Mit durchschnittlich fünfzigtausend Zugriffen jeden Tag (gemäß Klickstatistik auf ASR über hundertachtzig Millionen Zugriffe seit 2007) ist „Alles Schall und Rauch" eine einflussreiche Plattform und gilt als Einsteigerforum in die Truther-Szene.
("For ten years my father has been running one of the biggest conspiracy blogs in the German speaking region. On the average he gets 50,000 clicks each day (over 180 million since 2007). Alles Schall und Rauch is one of the most influential platforms and is seen as the entry point into the Truther scene. ")
She writes about how her father was/is highly intelligent, but suffered from excessive mood swings. Still, after moving to Switzerland he was able to build a successful software company. Things only began to go off the rails after September 11, 2001:
9/11 war ein Wendepunkt für ihn—wie für viele Verschwörungstheoretiker. Er hat angefangen, Informationen zu sammeln, zu vergleichen und nach Spuren von Ungereimtheiten zu suchen. Damals war ich zwölf Jahre alt und die Ehe meiner Eltern lag bereits in den Brüchen.
("9/11 was a turning point for him - as it was for many conspiracy theorist. He began to collect information, to compare and look for inconsistencies. I was 12 years old at the time and my parent's marriage was already in shambles.")
Shortly after that, the father, Manfred Petritsch ," or rather "Freeman" (his blog name) went off the deep end: his wife left him, his software business collapsed. He would retreat into his room and spend days on the Internet, researching "inconsistencies". Finally he emerged with his theory of the New World Order (NWO) and the makings of a successful conspiracy blog,
Die NWO (New World Order) ist für die Truther ein Plan, den elitäre Kräfte wie zum Beispiel die Rothschild-Familie umsetzen, um die Erdbevölkerung auszubeuten, dumm zu halten und schlussendlich zu dezimieren (in dem sie Menschen homosexuell machen oder über vermeintliche Impfstoffe Krankheiten verbreiten).
("For the Truthers, the NWO is a plan that is being carried out by elite powers- such as the Rothschild Family, in order to exploit the global population, keep them stupified and then finally to eliminate them altogether (by making people homosexual, or spreading disease through immunizations.")
The girl was completely indoctrinated by her father's nutty theories, taught to hate the United States and Israel ("USreal") and was dragged to numerous conspiracy enthusiast events, where fans of her father would revel in Holocaust denial and rage against the Jews: "Die Juden sind das wahre Übel dieser Welt."
It was only after leaving home and undergoing several years of psychological counseling did the daughter realize how much damage her father had inflicted on her. Today she has pretty much limited her contact with her father and is ashamed that she bought into his crazy theories. She now realizes how harmful these conspiracy theories are:
Wie viele subversive Gruppen aus dem rechten Lager, holen sich die Truther meistens Leute aus schwierigen sozialen Verhältnissen ins Boot. Menschen, die froh über Sündenböcke sind und in eloquenten Persönlichkeiten Führung suchen. Die Truther bestreiten eine Zugehörigkeit zum rechten Lager zwar vehement, jedoch sprechen meine persönlichen Erfahrungen für sich. Sexismus, Homophobie und Rassismus sind genauso verbreitet, wie eine fehlgeleitete Vorstellung von Kultur und Heimatliebe.
("Like many right-wing subversive groups the Truthers succeed in getting people on board who come from difficult social circumstances. People who are looking for scapegoats and are looking for leaders in eloquent personalities. The Truthers would vehemently deny that they beolong to the far right, but, based on my own personal experiences their views speak for themselves: sexism, homophobia, and racism are just a widely promoted as a distorted view of culture an love of the homeland.")
Today Alles Schall und Rauch is more popular than ever.
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